Few queries that every rookie has when starting with learning any tool are what approach shall I follow, where shall I find use cases, what shall I practice, whom should I ask for help if I have a doubt in any use case and many such questions…

If you’re having similar questions, then don’t worry you will have answers to all of them by the end of this article from conversation between Parth and John(RPA Rookie).

John: Hey Parth, I was recently reading about RPA Technology and found it very interesting but I am confused with the question that where I will find resources for learning any of these tools, I mean I see content on YouTube but I need some resources where it actually helps me build my fundamental knowledge.

Parth: Hey John, good to hear that you found RPA interesting. Sure, I believe you might have read about tools namely: UiPathAutomation Anywhere and Blue Prism. Now, you could pick any tool of your choice and all of these tools have their own academy where they offer courses completely free which will help you understanding everything right from RPA till having the fundamental knowledge of that tool. You might see courses on Udemy, LinkedIn learning, Coursera, and many such platforms well. But I would suggest to first start with the tools academy courses and then you can take up this courses if necessary.

John: That was really helpful Parth. I will definitely start with course from tool academy. I have few more questions. Can I ask?

Parth: Yes, please go ahead. I will be happy to answer all your questions.

John: Now, when I am learning about these tools where shall I find use cases to practice I mean I might implement what will be shown in tutorials but other than that where will I find use cases?

Parth: That’s a really good question. Now the approach I followed when I started learning UiPath was I started with automating basics things like data scrapping, automating excel files operation like searching for data and updating, merging files with common data, email automation etc… I never tried to search use case but I actually thought and built them that helped me improve my Process Identification & Understanding skills. So I think you should follow the same approach with the tool you’re learning.

John: This approach sounds good to me noted the points and will follow it. Now this question is very important for me many times I would face difficulties while learning and many people won’t be available then what should I do?

Parth: Like academy, every tool has their own forum where you can post your questions and experts of that tool would answer quickly there.

John: Thank you so much Parth. For taking out time and answering my question it was really very helpful and will help me to transform from RPA Rookie to RPA Expert.

Parth: Anytime John. Like you many people would be having such questions so please share the article within your network so it helps maximum people.

John: Sure thing Parth!

THE RPA ROOKIES hopes this article helped you to get answers for the most common questions every rookies might have. Follow THE RPA ROOKIES to learn RPA.

If you’re fresher or experienced professional switching career into RPA feel free to reach to Parth to be part of THE RPA ROOKIES for RPA mentor-ship.

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